Homeostasis Setopint Stephan Guyenet weight loss Saturday, February 26, 2011 The setpoint hypothesis revisited The homeostasis (hō'mē-ō-stā'sĭs): The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its...
Kurt Harris Paleo weight loss Saturday, February 12, 2011 Kurt Harris, the messiah, the hype and the throwing of scales I think Kurt Harris is a smart man and makes some very good points now and then, not to mention his reading list resembles my own. But readi...
Kosthold Kreft Rødt kjøtt Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Hva er egentlig problemet med rødt kjøtt? (In Norwegian) istockphoto Mandag 31. januar la Nasjonalt råd for ernæring frem rapporten, ”Kostråd for å fremme folkehelsen og forebygge kroniske sykdomme...
dietary guidelines nutrition science Tuesday, February 1, 2011 New dietary guidelines - the fairies are rejoicing Nonsense , n; That which is not sense; spoken or written words which make no sense or convey absurd ideas; also, absurd or senseless action....