“How do I get Summer Sleek, Stat?”

I take care of patients with a wide variety of lifestyles, backgrounds, ages, challenges and careers. One of my rather humorous patients, who also happens to be a physician, asked me “How do I get summer sleek, stat?”  Pretty funny, and here in New England we want to make the most of every summer minute, whether we want to hike the White Mountains, kayak the cool lakes, swim in the brisk ocean, our just relax on the beach!  We want to be fit and “sleek”, and healthy at the same time.

The first step to get back on track quickly, if we’ve slipped off our healthy routine, is to preplan and SIMPLIFY our food and exercise as much as possible.  We need basic, smart strategies, based on research, which also fit into our lives in a realistic way.  I wrote about this last year: http://healthyweightcenter.blogspot.com/2015/08/lose-weight-fast-and-safely-strategy-to.html
The National Weight Control registry is a great resource which gives us insight into what works well for long term successful weight control:  http://healthyweightcenter.blogspot.com/2016/02/how-do-i-lose-weight-and-keep-it-off.html?q=national+weight+control+registry

Simplifying our decisions can help decrease our stress, give us time to breath and think, and relax a bit.  http://healthyweightcenter.blogspot.com/2014/10/decision-fatigue-make-choices-easier.html

The good news is that the season is here for Farmer’s Markets and CSA’S - so lots of local produce to freshen up our food routines:  http://seacoasteatlocal.org/find-local-food/csas/

But healthy produce alone is not enough to obtain sustainable weight loss.  We need protein and healthy fats along with our great fruits and vegetables and grains - and for long term health we also need healthy exercise (not too much, not too little.)  Finding the “sweet spot” can be a challenge - and we can help you set up a plan that fits your life and needs.  This takes some time and planning, and we help patients set up their plans every day, in person at our clinic, or on the phone or via virtual visits:  healthyweightcenter.com  

We want to not only get on track quickly, we also want to set ourselves up for long term success. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12529-010-9092-y “Fast weight losers obtained greater weight reduction and long-term maintenance, and were not more susceptible to weight regain than gradual weight losers."  

This can be done through regular grocery store or farmer's market foods, with careful planning to ensure the proper calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats, for your needs.       Studies have shown more rapid weight loss success with medical meal replacements. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12704397

Our patients have really enjoyed getting on track quickly with the “Rapid Reboot Fast Track”. Research has shown that protein can help accelerate our weight loss, when eaten in the proper amounts, at proper times, as part of a complete healthy food plan.  We help people set up easier healthy lifestyles at the office, or you can start at home on your own:  http://seacoastnutrition.com/phase-one-2-week-quot-fast-trackquot-pla2.html

Is weight loss sustainable when we lose weight relatively quickly?  It depends on HOW you do it, and how quickly. http://healthyweightcenter.blogspot.com/2015/08/lose-weight-fast-and-safely-strategy-to.html Some people were worried recently when they heard that people on the Biggest Loser television show regained much of the weight they lost, and had slower metabolic rates. Experts explain that extreme, unsustainable lifestyles, and imbalanced diets could lead to problems - whlle properly planned approaches can lead to success. Some responses by experts:

Dr. Yoni Freedhoff: "The term I coined to describe it is "best weight," where your best weight is whatever weight you reach when you're living the healthiest life that you actually enjoy...If you want to succeed with long-term weight loss, it's crucial that you embrace both reality and imperfection." http://www.vox.com/2016/5/10/11649210/biggest-loser-weight-loss"

Another interesting article from a "colorful" author (great research links, but occasional colorful language - caution for the sensitive!) http://ca.askmen.com/sports/bodybuilding/how-weight-loss-affects-metabolism-2.html

The balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrate we eat may be as important as the calories we eat: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1199154

When paired with exercise which meets your fitness and health needs, plus lifestyle strategies, healthy sleep, stress management, and something called “CBT”  (cognitive behavioral therapy) techniques, you really can become “summer sleek stat” - and stay sleek year round!  

Read more about our program:  Healthyweightcenter.com

Call anytime!  (603) 379-6500

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