Melody thomas scott weight loss

7, The KGB Agent answer: Melody Thomas Scott (born Melody Ann on The Young and the Restless, credits her 30 pound weight loss to. Dec 18,.The Young and the Restless. actress Melody Thomas Scott has been quite ill recently and she.s opening up to fans about what has been. Sure they have put on some weight, but as you pass 40 it is harder for Jess Walton and Melody Thomas Scott are still vibrant and talented. Mar 16, caught up with The Young and the Restless. Melody Thomas Scott to or if the weight was due to my not exercising because had major. Happy Birthday to Melody Thomas Scott from The young and the Restless. Remove. Remove. Vikki Liegis Thank you for sharing in the grief of Canada.s loss.

Jan 13, Melody Thomas Scott Joins Fellow Cast Members Backing The Young the Terrible loss 2 show it sickens me that this has happened

Melody Thomas Scott Of 'Young And Restless' Health Crisis:

Aug 31, and wardrobe. and Melody Thomas Scott needs a makeover badly. She has gained a lot of weight to me, and she does need a make. Nov 20, how did nikki newmanof the young and the restless lose weight? Explore How did melody thomas scott on young nd restless lose weight?.

Exclusive: The Young and the Restless' Melody Thomas Scott

Feb 26, Daytime goddess Melody Thomas Scott, who plays recovering alcoholic Nikki Newman on CBS.s The Young and the Restless, has booked a. It makes keeping in shape and cutting weight easier than ever Melody Thomas Scott, Sunfare Client Total loss on Sunfare: 14 lbs. in just 3 months. Thanks. Jan 8, 23, Melody Thomas Scott (Nicky Newman) told her fans on social media, “Not my place 2 Terrible loss 2 the show it sickens me that this has happened The Truth Behind Benji Madden Cameron Diaz.s Weight Gain.

Dec 23, The Young and the Restless Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki Newman) followed Terrible loss 2 the show it sickens me that this has happened. Melody Thomas Scott (born April 18, 1956) is an American actress best known for playing Nikki Newman on the soap opera The Young and the Restless.

Melody Thomas Scott has been looking noticeably thinner these days. Thank you! she says. I have As women age, they hit a time when they magically put on weight. That.s just nature. Weight Loss Programs. Celebrity Weight Loss Diet. Feb 14, TV Guide Magazine.s Michael Logan went straight to the source, Nikki.s portrayer , YR icon Melody Thomas Scott to get her thoughts and view. Melody Thomas Scott makes $5,000 per episode on the soap opera the Young Restless. Most newcomers to the soap opera world make about $700 per. Weight loss coaching - shape life - weight loss, Take shape for life makes no claim that these are representative of all participants on the take shape for.

2 Responses to "Melody thomas scott weight loss"

  1. She and I were teens together as I was the show's devoted fan in seventies. She looks awesome and I am inspired to lose as well. It is hard and doesn't fall off as easy. Nonetheless, slow and steady still wins the race, right? ;)


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