Dr. Mom

Well, it's Mother's Day, and what am I doing? Taking a few minutes for myself, to catch up on things, including my blog! A little peace and quiet, and time to oneself, can be a great gift to moms - and everyone else, really!

Almost everyone I know feels stressed these days, with the state of the economy, and uncertainty about where things are going. Stress can make it hard to take care of ourselves, and derail our healthy habits, just when we need them the most! To make matters worse, many people feel GUILTY about getting off their usual exercise and healthy nutrition routines. They can become angry at themselves, or feel a little overwhelmed. If this sounds like you, it is time to STOP, step back, and take a slow, deep, relaxing breath. Stop beating yourself up (there are plenty of other people and circumstances to do that for you -don't add to it!)

When it comes to taking care of yourself, it is important to get back to the basics. You don't have to be perfect, just try to take a few healthier steps. Go back to clean, basic eating (cut any extra "junk" you've added lately in a failed attempt to comfort yourself!) Make a basic menu, shopping list, and go stock up. If you've lost your exercise routine, go back to a LITTLE exercise daily, nice and easy! No jogging to make up for lost time. A brisk, daily 15 minute walk may be the best way to get back into the groove (of course, check with your physician if you have any health concerns which interfere with exercise.) Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night (what the average person needs - individual needs may vary-get what you need to wake up feeling refreshed.) If you are feeling overwhelmed and don't know where to start, call your physician (or of course call us!)

And don't forget to splurge on yourself, a little. You read that correctly. Studies have shown that if people feel overly restricted in spending money, they will tend to over-indulge in food. And vice-versa (over-restricted in food, then they'll spend more money.) Hmmm, interesting conundrum, isn't it? Obviously, we don't want to FEEL overly restricted in food, or money, so what do we do? Try to feel indulgent in both areas! How do we do that on a limited financial budget, and limited calorie budget? Tricky, I know, but this is where creativity comes in.

If you are severely financially restricted, try to figure out how much, if any, "play" money you can sneak away for yourself. If you have $5, maybe a magazine (gossip, fashion, sports, hobby - your choice!) Or maybe a flavored lip gloss - you get the idea. Something you don't really "need", but something that is fun. Depending on your budget, maybe a CD or DVD, or a new scarf or belt - something that won't break the bank, but will make you feel like you "splurged", or "got away with something." If you really don't even have a spare $5, then try to "steal" some time away for yourself. Sneak off to the bookstore, or go for a walk in a new place, or watch some "junk" on tv, or read online. The point is to do something you don't HAVE to do, so you feel like you "splurged" on yourself! For all you moms who feel locked up at home with the kids, try to find someone to swap kid-watching duties, so you can get away for a bit!

In terms of food, do NOT go on a lettuce diet. Or cabbage diet, carrot diet, rice diet, or whatever other over-restricted food plan of the week is touted in those magazines you just picked up! Yes, it is good to break free from your current routine, especially if it is boring you, or unhealthy. HOWEVER, healthy food can be FUN and taste delicious, even indulgent. I've previously mentioned some websites to find recipes: delish.com (it's not Rachel Ray's site - and look for the low calorie recipe section or healthy recipes day to night:

www.delish.com/recipes/cooking-recipes/healthy-recipes-daily-meal-menu )

and I mentioned the book Hungry Girl by Lisa Lillien (quick and easy healthy updates on comfort foods.) There are MANY great lower calorie recipe books available (and for those of you who are already my patients, I know, sorry, our book is still in the works!)

So Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy and indulge!

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