Your Turn To Give Advice To Me

I’m working on a project relating to practical steps for recovery, and I need your input. If you are recovering from an eating disorder, please take a moment to send me your thoughts about the following:

  • What are the safest foods for you to eat? 
    • Please respond with a particular food item(s), category of foods, or nutrients. And feel free to address the type of preparation, if it contributes to the ease of eating
  • What are the characteristics of a food that makes it easy to get in? 
    • Ready made? 
    • All-in-one-dish recipes? 
    • Low Fat? High Fiber? Whole grain? 
    • The flavor or lack thereof?
    • Portion size?
    • Calorie-dense or low calorie density? 
    • Trusting because someone else has been able to eat it?
    • Trusting because you believe it to be good for you?

  • Which of the following, if any do you own? Do you use?
    • Crock pot/slow cooker?
    • Rice cooker?
    • Panini/sandwich maker?
    • Microwave
    • Telephone (to have someone else bring you food?)

Thanks so much for contributing! Please share this with your friends so they may help too! I’ll be sharing more about the project sometime soon!

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