The Best Medical Weight Loss Program In New York City

  • What is the best weight loss program in New York?
  • What makes a weight loss program the best?

The Best Medical Weight Loss Program in New York City

For safe and sustained weight loss, the program should be under careful physician supervision with a physician trained in Obesity Medicine. Since 94% of regular physicians receive no or minimal nutrition education, you should look for physicians with special training in the new field of obesity medicine. Ask these 10 questions before you decide which weight loss program is right for you.

  1. What are the staff credentials of the weight loss program?

  2. Who supervises the program - a weight loss doctor or otherwise?

  3. What type of weight control certifications, education, experience, and training do the staff have?

  4. Does the weight loss program offer group classes or one-on-one counseling that will help me develop healthier habits?

  5. Does the weight loss program accept my health insurance?

  6. Is the weight loss program flexible and customized to my individual needs?

  7. If the weight loss program requires special foods, can I make changes based on my likes, dislikes, and food allergies (if any)?

  8. Will the medical weight loss program help me be more physically active, follow a specific physical activity plan, or provide exercise guidelines?

  9. Will the weight loss program work with my lifestyle and cultural needs? Does the program provide ways to deal with such issues as social or holiday eating, changes to work schedules, lack of motivation, and injury or illness?

  10. Does the program include a plan to help me keep the weight off once I've lost weight?

How can W8MD medical weight loss center's insurance physician weight loss program in New York City help?

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