6 things to do for weight loss and wellness

1. Know your calorie requirement based on your height, weight, activity, age and other factors using a free online calorie calculator such as the one available on W8MD medical weight loss centers website.

2. If your calorie requirements are, for example, 2000 calories per day not to gain weight or lose weight, you may then want to cut back from baseline by about 500-1000 calories per day. If you strictly manage to your calories per day, you are expected to lose 1-2 lbs of weight per week.

3. Know your foods and look at the nutrition labels of products.

4. Go for smaller portions when you eat.

5. Start the day right with a protein based, nutrient rich breakfast. Not having breakfast has been associated with excess body weight, especially among children and adolescents. On the other hand, having a regular, healthy breakfast has been associated with weight loss and weight loss maintenance, as well as improved nutrient intake.

6. If you are overweight or obese, understand the causes of weight gain!

7. limit screen time to no more than 2 hours in children which includes TV, gaming, tablets, computers or anything that has a screen as screen time, especially television viewing, is directly associated with increased overweight and obesity. Also, avoid eating while watching television, which can result in overeating.
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8. If you are overweight or obese, and need help losing weight with evidence based, non-surgical weight loss measures, you may want to contact W8MD medical weight loss centers of America.

About W8MD medical weight loss centers of America

W8MD is a physician supervised, non-surgical medical weight loss program aimed at addressing the complex metabolic, nutritional, hormonal, sleep and other factors contributing to your weight gain.

  • No Setup Fees, Obligations 
  • No Surgery or Procedures
  • Optional Meal Replacements
  • FDA approved medications
  • Limited to 10 new patients/week!
  • Sleep disorder Management
  • Accept insurances 
  • Amazing testimonials & reviews
  • W8MD YouTube Channel
  • Call 1-800-W8MD-007
  • We have offices in New York City, Greater Philadelphia and other places.
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