Protein: Eat 30 grams for breakfast, and lunch!

EAT 30 GRAMS OF PROTEIN WITH BREAKFAST, according to researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston - and as our patients know, we couldn't agree more.   Our patients hear this from us so often, they probably mumble it in their sleep!  Previous research has shown that proper amounts of protein can help raise our metabolism, calm our hunger, keep us more awake and alert, and keep our blood sugar stable throughout the day.  

The latest research published May 20 in the Journal of Nutrition  notes that most Americans eat too little  protein at breakfast and lunch, and too much at dinner.  If we increase our protein at breakfast to 30 grams,  and lunch to 30 grams, muscle protein synthesis improves by 25 %.  More muscle means better metabolism, of course.  
According to muscle metabolism expert Doug Paddon-Jones, "we're not taking enough protein on board for efficient muscle building and repair during the day, and at night we're often taking in more than we can use. We run the risk of having this excess oxidized and ending up as glucose or fat."

In other words, if we eat too little protein in the morning, and throughout the day, and wait until the end of the day to gorge on it, we cannot build muscle as well - AND end up storing the excess evening calories as fat.  Less muscle + more fat = BAD.  

So be sure to start your day with adequate protein - and keep up with the proper amounts of protein throughout the day.  If you need help figuring out how to do this, call us!  

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