New Research: Save Your Brain with Lifestyle Change; Alzheimer's cognitive deficits reversed with a comprehensive lifestyle approach

Big news: a Medscape article just announced research from the University of California, Los Angeles:  “A novel, comprehensive lifestyle intervention has shown promise in reversing memory loss related to Alzheimer's disease (AD)...According to investigators, this novel intervention is aimed at "tweaking" the network of imbalances in the brain that contribute to cognitive decline.”   

The study, published in the journal Aging on September 27,  notes that memory problems are due to a loss of brain ‘plasticity’ (the flexible learning abililty that is characteristic of healthy young brains).  Researchers believe that damage is due to a number of  assaults on the brain, including environmental, metabolic, hormonal, and lifestyle factors, which end up tipping the balance toward cell breakdown (neuroclastic signaling) and away from healthy cell communication (neuroblastic signaling.)  The neurodegeneration (breakdown of healthy brain cell function) is the end result of physiologic ‘attacks’ on the brain, including inflammatory mediators.  
The good news is that they were able to reverse this process, and improve cognitive function, with specific, focused, individualized, comprehensive lifestyle strategies. There is no one ‘magic supplement’ or ‘magic pill’ which yielded results; instead, it was a multifactorial approach which included dietary change, exercise change,  targeted supplements, stress management strategies, and ongoing counseling to help patients keep up with the changes.  

According to the article,  strict adherence to a low glycemic index, anti-inflammatory, low grain diet was key (the diet included eating non-farmed fish, avoidance of fatty beef, increased fruit and vegetables, and elimination of ‘simple carbohydrates’). Some patients were advised to fast for 3 hours before bed, for 12 hours total between the last meal and breakfast.  Exercise was another key component (taylored to individuals, but general goal was 30-60 min per day, 4-6 days/wk).   Meditation and/or yoga were used to manage stress.  Sleep was also addressed, with a goal of 8 hours per night (employing ‘sleep hygiene’ techniques, addressing sleep apnea, and utilizing supplements such as melatonin 0.5 mg before bed, and and Trp 500 mg 3 times a week if awakening).  Patients also took individualized supplements which varied depending on the patient, but could include vitamin D, fish oil, coenzyme Q10 (200 mg per day), melatonin (0.5 mg at bedtime as needed),  a form of vitamin B12 called methylcobalamin, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, and for some, pre/probiotics, and curcumin/tumeric, among others. In some cases women were advised to restart hormone replacement therapy.  Medical issues such as prediabetes/diabetes and hypothyroidism were addressed ‘aggressively’ with optimal management and blood levels.  Dental hygiene was addressed, to decrease inflammation. 

The article quoted researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen: "The program is not easy to follow...The important thing here is, we can alter cognitive decline by affecting each of these appears we can correct this network imbalance by tweaking it at multiple sites." Good news - the results were obtained despite the fact that “none of the patients followed the entire protocol.”  In other words, you don’t have to be ‘perfect’ in order to gain significant benefit.  More good news:  the main "side effects" t of this treatment approach: improved BMI and overall health!! I wish more of our therapies had those kinds of side effects!

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