Free Group Nutrition Visit: Our First Was A Resounding Success! And more news: 2 books in the works: The American Viking Diet, and Healthy Weight Lifestyle Workbook

We have a lot of 'irons in the fire' at the moment, including TWO books in the works ("The American Viking Diet"and our "Healthy Weight Lifestyle Workbook"), AND our new group nutrition classes!  Those who follow us know we have also added online/virtual nutrition and lifestyle counseling, and are also offering private personal training sessions with our own Amy Buzzell.  This is all in addition to our  usual private, supportive one-to-one medical weight management program, which is science-based and individualized to each person's needs.

But back to our group program.  We are working on creating a series of interactive classes, which will be address a variety of topics including healthy nutrition, activity/exercise, lifestyle and behavioral strategies, and common medical conditions which are connected to weight and lifestyle. We are beginning by offering a free nutrition class once per month, which covers a wide spectrum of core nutrition concepts.  

We held our first class with Amy Buzzell last month, and it was a resounding success!  Here are comments from attendees:

"Very informative!"
"Amy was excellent - a lot of information, explained very well!"
"Amy had many suggestions about nutrition that I will begin to implement immediately.  Good job Amy!"
"Amy was very informative and easy to listen to.  She knows her stuff!"
"Amy was a great presenter.  Would like info on a program for diabetics, perhaps a specialized session."

All I can say is, "Wow!"  I agree with the attendees - great job Amy!  And this is just the beginning.  We are working hard on our class structure and content, and getting great feedback.

We will be offering another session next month, since we overbooked this one!  We will post a date soon.  Call for information, and if you'd like to reserve a spot:  (603) 379-6500.  Read more about our program at:

And keep an eye out for our books!  I couldn't do any of this without my great team.  Beth, Amy, and Pat are working with me on The American Viking Diet, and Cara, Amy, and Pat are my teammates on the Healthy Weight Lifestyle Workbook.  And of course Ron and Shannon are keeping everything else together. Whew!  Hardly time to breath, but it's a lot of fun.

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