Are Some People "Hard Wired" to Overeat?

Many overweight and obese people feel guilty about their weight. Many slim people who have never struggled with their weight can be negative and judgemental about people who DO struggle with their weight. A new study shows that many people who struggle with their weight simply are "biologically wired" differently than naturally slim people. To put it simply, it is not a level playing field. Many people who are naturally slim may have it easier than those who struggle; their brains simply do not respond the same way to the sight and smell of food.

Here is a link to an msn article that discusses the study:

If you struggle with your weight, do not despair. This study does NOT mean that all hope is lost! It does mean that you will have to take extra care with your environment, so you are not surrounded by "cues" that lead to overeating. At Physicians Healthy Weight Center we help our patients uncover factors that lead to unhealthy choices; we create specific plans to overcome these challenges, and then we help put the plans into action. Planning, preparation, and practice will help you succeed.

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