Super-Quick, Anwhere Workout for Muscle Toning

Super-Quick Muscle Toning Workout

Here are some simple moves that can be done almost anywhere, almost anytime, that will tighten and tone your muscles, boost your energy level, and increase your metabolism. Start out doing these once per day; you may build up to three times per day. (Since you are not lifting heavy weights, you do not need to skip a day between exercises like you would with heavy weight training.)

1. Sit-Stands. Move to the edge of your seat, then tighten your abs, put your hands on your hips, and simply stand up. Lower yourself back to your seat. Repeat 10 times.

2. Seated Ab Curls. While sitting, cross your arms over your chest, and sit up straight. Pull your abdominals in, then curl forward, pulling your shoulders gently downward toward your hips (this will pull the bottom of your ribcage toward your hip bones). Hold for one second, then straighten back up. Repeat 10 times.

If that move isn't quite enough, try the Seated Ab Recliner instead. Sit up straight in a chair (the best chair for this is one without a backrest), raise your arms straight out in front of you, then slowly lean back as far as you can comfortably without your feet coming off the floor. Pause, and then return to an upright seated position. Repeat 10 times.

3. Desk Pushup. Stand up, and place your hands shoulder width apart on a stable surface (such as your desk, a chair, or the wall). Tighten your abs to keep your back straight, then bend your elbows to perform a slow, steady pushup. Pause when your elbows are fully bent, and then again when extended. Repeat 10 times.

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