12 Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain or "Attack of the Killer Stuffing!"

The holidays are fast approaching, and while we look forward to spending time with family and friends, we don't look forward to holiday weight gain.  We eagerly anticipate the stuffing, but not stuffing ourselves into our clothes.  Is there a way to stay healthy and still have fun?  If we use  a little strategic planning, and new research, the answer is yes!
First of all, let’s start with a “hit list” of my patients’ biggest concerns, fears, and questions:
How do I deal with rich desserts?  Stuffing, potatoes, and starchy carbs?  What about alcohol?  Is there a way to have fun with the family besides eating?  What do I do about sweet treats at work?  How can I stay active when there is no time to do a full workout?  

Here are some strategies - some classic ‘tried and true”, and some brand new, based on new research:

1. Be a little bad.  It’s no surprise that people really like this strategy!
What do we mean by “bad”?  We mean have a little fun, let yourself feel like you’ve indulged a little.  Like you’ve “gotten away with something”.  This strategy is actually based on research which shows that people can only stand feeling deprived for so long… then they ‘act up’ in some way.  If they are on a very tight financial budget, they tend to overindulge in unhealthy foods.  And if they “treat themselves” in a non-food way (indulging in some retail therapy, sneaking away to a bookstore or cafe, stealing some me-time with a favorite hobby, a quick spa treatment, or a warm bath) they may find it easier to control their eating, and stay on track with healthy food patterns.

People often feel rushed, stressed, and over-stretched during the holidays.  It can feel self-indulgent, “bad”, simply to sneak away and get some privacy.  DO IT!  Whenever you can.  You’ll recharge your batteries, have more fun and BE more fun when you are in large gatherings.  And you won’t feel as much urge to ‘emotionally eat’ to calm yourself down after that certain relative stresses you out.

2. Do not skip entire meals to save calories - this can slow your metabolism, and lead to out-of-control overeating later, often of the wrong choices!  We call that "sumo dieting”, because it has been rumored that this is a strategy used by sumo wrestlers in order to GAIN weight.  Not what most of us are trying to do during the holidays.  

Research shows that eating a high protein breakfast - particularly one with 35 gram of protein - can help control your appetite all day - even into the evening.

3. Have your stuffing for dessert.  In other words, eat protein at the beginning of the meal, and your carbohydrates later in the meal (“for dessert”).  Saving stuffing (or bread, or dessert) for the end could help you control your blood sugar after the meal, which may help your waistline.   It’s best to save special desserts and treats for AFTER a healthy meal or snack.  
So much for my parent’s family tradition of having apple pie before the turkey!  We’ll switch that back around this year, and have at least a few bites of protein before stuffing, bread, mashed potatoes, etc.  


Protein also creates a low glycemic effect, and helps keep blood sugar from ‘spiking’.  Given that 50% of all Americans have blood sugar problems which qualify as prediabetes or diabetes, this is an important strategy for health for so many people!  

Think of it like this:  protein enters your stomach, triggers fullness hormones to close the ‘exit valve’ to the stomach, so food leaves your stomach very slowly.  So, if you start a meal with protein, your stomach HOLDS ONTO FOOD LONGER (the medical term is ‘delayed gastric emptying’) so you STAY FULL LONGER.  Carbohydrate you eat AFTER the protein ALSO stays in the stomach longer, and is released more slowly and gradually after the meal.  Your body is more likely to ‘burn’ those carbs when they are absorbed gradually into the bloodstream.  If, on the other hand, you start a meal with rapidly digestible carbs, they can ‘spike’ your blood sugar up quickly and high - and your body will tend to store them quickly as fat, rather than burn them off as energy.  So remember, lead off the meal with protein to ‘slow down’ your meal, so you have time to ‘burn’ those calories, instead of storing them as fat!

To summarize, starting a meal with protein, rather than carbohydrate, leads to better “postprandial glucose” (blood sugar numbers after the meal).


4. Think before you Drink.  Patients have been telling me that they know they will be drinking more during the holidays than they regularly would, and asking if that could be problematic.  Unfortunately it can, and drinking alcohol in excess can create a dangerous problem called “Holiday Heart Syndrome” - in short, you can give yourself a cardiac arrhythmia by drinking over the holidays.  No one wants to be in the emergency room having treatment for atrial fibrillation if they can avoid it, and keeping control of alcohol is one way to prevent that from happening.

Alcohol can also contribute to weight gain beyond just adding empty calories - alcohol actually impairs fat breakdown.  To quote the book Best Weight by Sharma and Freedhoff,  “At 7 kcal per gram, one large glass of wine a night adds up to 65,700 kcal per year (the equivalent of nearly 9 kg [20 lbs] in weight gain), and has no effect on satiety.  In most situations, there is no compensatory reduction in other calories consumed.  Alcohol can produce a positive fat balance, as it has a sparing effect on fat oxidation and promotes fat storage. Alcohol is also an appetite stimulant, often used as an aperitif, and has a tendency to reduce a person's resolve.”

So, what can you do?  Limit overall intake, eat first before drinking, alternate with non-alcoholic options, and be aware that many medications such as antidepressants can increase the impact of alcohol -so one drink might ‘feel’ like four!

5.  Remove and Replace.  How else can we “splurge” without overindulging in fatty, sugary excess?  By using the “Remove and Replace” technique.  Swapping a healthier version of an old standby.  This strategy is a cousin to the “Be a little bad” tactic, since it involves indulging your sweet/fat tooth/carb craving without making yourself feel sick. My husband used to turn up his nose at this idea...until he started making Hungry Girl’s Wayne's Pumpkin Smash instead of pumpkin pie. It’s like a crustless pumpkin pie, but it’s so high in protein, we can use it as a healthy snack.  And it’s delicious!  He’s hooked.

And here is our favorite light Eggnog recipe from Hungry Girl!  My daughter Olivia especially loves this one:  http://www.hungry-girl.com/show/holiday-no-nonsense-nog-recipe

Other swaps:  protein bars instead of candy (I have my favorites), yogurt with fun toppings instead of pudding (yes, I’m a maniac for chocolate, so I drizzle Trader Joe’s Organic Chocolate Moo syrup on my fat-free Greek yogurt, and sometimes put a little light Cabot whipped cream on top), frozen yogurt pops such as Yasso or Enlightened instead of ice cream, fat-free Greek yogurt instead of sour cream in dips and other recipes, and mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. That’s just to name a few!  There are many great websites with recipes, and we’re working on our own recipe book.  If you’d like a sneak peak, email us at healthyweightcenter@hotmail.com.  My husband checks all the emails; tell Ron that Dr. Warren sent you.

6.  Adopt a “Love It, Need It, or Leave It” policy.  This one comes under the “tried and true” category - it was feature in a prior blog called, “Flash back Friday: Tips to survive the holidays!”
In this strategy we recommend you save your “special treat” calories for foods you REALLY love - don’t waste them on high calorie food that you can get any time of the year, or treats that don’t taste really fantastic.  Remember, you can always be a “taster”; if you don’t love it, don’t finish it - leave

7. Plan for Parties. Here are the basic principles…Before the party, eat a snack with protein - this can help you stay in control when faced with a buffet. If you are bringing an item, make it a healthy choice such as fruit/veggie with yogurt dip plate, or lean protein such as shrimp cocktail, chicken kabobs on skewers, or vegetarian/turkey chili. Once you arrive - don’t head straight to the food; find your hosts, and start with a low calorie drink such as flavored water or a spritzer, and then socialize. Minimize the alcohol - it can make you lose control with food, among other things! When you do head to the buffet, choose a small plate, and scan for healthy starter items, and then special treats (see tips one and two!). Enjoy!

8.  Walk it off - Even before you eat!   A quick 15 minute walk - brisk is best - before and after a feast can help improve insulin function - so you ‘burn’ those calories more effectively, and ‘store’ fewer!

Walking  can also destress you - the Japanese call the technique “forest bathing” - shin rin yoku - and research shows walking outside can lower stress hormones.  Walking may also raise serotonin as much as Prozac - which can help lower stress and improve mood.  So yes, do it!

Keep up with your routine exercise plan, despite temptations to “just take a break” for the holiday season. Exercise can be the single most important factor when it comes to your health during this time. In addition to the calorie and metabolic benefits, exercise can help you relax,control stress, re-energize, and clear your head during the whirl and confusion of the holidays. Make this a top priority for yourself and your family - be a role model for them, and encourage them to participate. A neighborhood walk can also be a great way to reconnect and bond with family.

9.  Play with the Family!  This is another the ‘tried and true” technique - also in our prior blog.  Plan some non-food oriented activities such as family walks to gather balsam, holly, and sea shells for wreaths, centerpieces or crafts.  Have an ornament painting party with simple wooden shapes and acrylic paints.  Turn on music and encourage kids (and adults) to dance.  Play family games such as Pictionary, bingo, or hold a Yankee Swap. And encourage guests to bring home leftovers.  You may want to invest in some inexpensive containers to facilitate this!

By the way, the Scandinavians are really into creating ‘coziness’ through the holidays, and even year round.  They call it “hygge”.  You can read about it here:  http://www.visitdenmark.com/danish-meaning-hygge
10.  Don’t try to be perfect - but try to be good enough! If you are able to keep up your healthy basic eating this time of year - with three meals of healthy lean protein, high fiber whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and a little bit of “good fat” - you'll feel much better, and glide right over the occasional indulgences.
11.  Indulging a little is better than indulging a lot.  Quantity is key - too much fat/sugar can trigger an addictive response - the ‘ice cream brain effect’.  So keep the treat as small as possible, and you’ll save yourself three days of headache.

12. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - whether you are traveling to visit family, or just heading to the mall for holiday shopping - plan ahead by bringing healthy portable snacks for yourself and companions. Don’t get “caught hungry” with only high calorie, nutrient-poor options. Bring along a few healthy protein bars, some nuts and dried fruit, and bottled water - examples of portable healthy options that can save you in a pinch.  This is another oldie-but-goodie strategy, and a simple one but we sometimes simply forget what works!  

Above all, take care of yourself, so you can enjoy your time with others. If  you are over-tired and cranky, you won’t be any fun at all! Take some “down time” for yourself - don’t over-commit - and make adequate sleep a priority. Relax with whatever method works for you - meditation, yoga, stretching, listening to music, dancing, reading, or being creative with arts and crafts, knitting, writing, or painting, for example. If your family is lucky, perhaps you’ll share some of these activities with them!

Would you like personal help getting on track and staying on track? We can help! Check out our website: healthyweightcenter.com, and call any time: (603) 379-6500. We offer personal, custom, one to one support in person, on the phone, or online!

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